A Brief Ancient Greek History

Like all the flowers used in our product, Sunny Honey, Sage is native to the Mediterranean, and its earliest recorded use as a medicine can be traced to Ancient Greece. This is likely because the Sage plant grows in hot, dry mountainous areas which are abundant in the Greek landscape and surrounding Greek islands. Traditional Greek Herbalist’s who studied this flower in Ancient Greece believed it had the power to heal the body, which is why healers such as Hippocrates used it during surgical procedures to prevent infection and speed up the healing process. Ancient Greek royalty would often bathe in Sage infused water because of its believed ability to loosen a tense body, as well as the spiritual belief that it could cleanse you of sinful or negative thoughts. Sage was not exclusively used by royalty however, as the flower grew so spontaneously and abundantly all over Greece common people would also use it to make medicinal teas, to flavour their food, and apply it topically in the case of poisonous snake bites.

Modern Medical Uses

  • Sage is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
    • It seems that anti-inflammatory has become a buzz word, and for good reason as inflammation plays a role in all chronic disease, as well as being the culprit for the sensation of pain and stiffness in the body. Sage has been shown to contain active ingredients that are able to target inflammation in the body and drastically minimize it. Sage works so well that anytime I have a migraine or neck pain I reach for it over Advil, and find it works much better without the many side effects it can cause such as ulcers.
  • Sage promotes brain health and improves mood.
    • Sage is commonly used in herbal medicine to improve mood and brain health, and we now have scientific research to back up these claims. Amyloid plaque build-up in the brain is the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, and Sage has been shown in animal studies to reduce this build up. Sage has also been show in human studies to boost memory, focus, mood and memory.
  • Sage improves heart health.
    • Human studies have demonstrated Sage extract has the ability to reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels which reduces your risk for heart disease. It also prevents build up in the arteries and increases healthy circulation making it an all-around good medicine for optimal functioning of the body.

Is all Sage Made Equal?

            Like every herb that exists, not all Sage is made equal. It is an unfortunate truth that the natural supplement industry loves to capitalize on the true natural benefits of flowers, while creating products that have inferior or synthetic ingredients, that even contain poisonous additives like heavy metals. It is a massive shame and the reason why I created my company, Bee Better, because so many people have become disillusioned by the healing power of plants after experiencing no positive benefits, however this is likely due to the low-grade quality of herbal supplements mass produced and sold in drug stores. This is why the Sage contained in our product, Sunny Honey, is sourced from the oldest monastic community in the world, Mt. Athos (The Holy Mountain). The Holy Mountain has remained an autonomous independent land for over 1,200 years making it the last truly natural ecosystem in Europe. The Greek Sage has been growing wild in the mountains for thousands of years and has been cultivated with love and respect by the monks who have dedicated their lives to taking care of the land. The Holy Mountain Sage contains no pesticides, and no traces of human pollution because the entire region has never been industrialized by human activity.

