I finally finished reading one of the longest books I have ever read... A Course in Miracles. I started and stopped it several times over the last few years simply because it was so heavy and there were times I felt like I didn't even understand what I was reading. For those of you that have never heard of it allow me to provide you with a brief explanation of what it is. 

The course in miracles presents a unique approach to spirituality that combines Christian language and concepts with Eastern philosophy and psychology. It teaches that the world we see is an illusion created by our own minds, and that true reality is a state of oneness and love.

ACIM emphasizes the power of forgiveness as a means of healing our perception of ourselves and others. It teaches that forgiveness is the key to undoing the ego's illusions and uncovering our true nature as spiritual beings.

The workbook contains 365 daily lessons, each one designed to help the student shift their perception from fear to love. The lessons include practices such as meditation, visualization, and affirmations.

The manual for teachers is meant to guide those who feel called to share the course's teachings with others. It emphasizes the importance of embodying the principles of the course in one's own life, and of being a clear channel for the Holy Spirit's guidance.

Overall, A Course in Miracles offers a profound and transformative spiritual path that can lead to a deep sense of peace, joy, and connection with the divine. It is most comparable to Christian theology, however, approaches it from a more metaphysical perspective which allows the reader to apply Christian principles in everyday life. 

I encourage you to read the text, or perhaps the book "A Return to Love", by Marianne Williamson where she breaks it down in a more digestible format as this text isn't very easy to read unless you have a deep commitment to understanding it. However, if you do not want to read the entire thing I have attempted to summarize the text in ten foundational principles: 

  1. Love is the foundation of all existence, and everything that appears as a form in the world is an expression of either the extension or the call for love.

  2. Forgiveness is the means by which we release the past and open ourselves to the present moment, in which we experience the peace and joy of our true nature.

  3. We are all interconnected and share a common identity as expressions of the one divine Self, which is the source of all being and the ground of all reality.

  4. Time is an illusion, and the present moment is the only reality there is. By being fully present in the moment, we can access the infinite wisdom and creativity of the universe.

  5. Fear is a false belief in separation from the divine, which can be healed by recognizing the truth of our essential nature as infinite love.

  6. We have the power to choose how we perceive the world and the people in it, and by choosing to see with the eyes of love, we can transform our experience of reality.

  7. Our thoughts and beliefs create our reality, and by aligning our minds with the truth of our divine nature, we can manifest the highest good for ourselves and others.

  8. True healing occurs when we shift our perception from the ego-based, fear-based self to the spiritual, love-based Self that we truly are.

  9. All beings are worthy of love and respect, regardless of their past actions or mistakes. By recognizing the divine essence in all people, we can extend compassion and forgiveness to all.

  10. The purpose of our lives is to awaken to our true identity as spiritual beings and to use our gifts and talents to serve the highest good of all beings. By doing so, we can experience the infinite love, joy, and peace that is our birthright as children of the divine.
